Our School » Clubs


Program Description
  • Art club is an after-school activity created to give students an opportunity to work on a variety of quick projects, posters, and school beautification.  
  • Students will get a chance to experiment with different media and art techniques. 
  • Students can choose to participate in school, town, or state poster design contests.  Some contests offer prizes. 
  • Students are encouraged to become a part of a community of artist people just like themselves. 
Educational Value
  • Creativity. If children have practice thinking creatively, it will come naturally to them now and in their future career. 
  • Improved Academic Performance.  The arts don’t just develop a child’s creativity – the skills they learn because of them spill over into academic achievement. 
  • Motor Skills.  Simple things like holding a paintbrush and drawing with a crayon are an important element to developing a child’s fine motor skills. 
  • Visual Learning.  Art education teaches children how to interpret, criticize, and use visual information, and how to make choices based on it. 
  • Perseverance.  The arts can be challenging.  To succeed your child must work hard. To succeed in their careers workers are continually asked to develop new skills and work through difficult projects. 
  • Focus. It is important for children to learn that in order to complete a task they must concentrate their efforts to only that task until completion. 
  • Accountability. When working in a group it’s important for students to take responsibility for their part.  
Expected Outcome
  • Confidence.  As children improve and see their own progress, their self-confidence will continue to grow. 
  • Decision Making.  The arts strengthen problem solving and critical thinking skills. 
  • Collaboration.  Children learn that their contribution to the group is integral to its success. 
  • Participating in any art form helps manage behaviors, process feelings, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase self-esteem, and focus. 

The Roselle Park Middle School Cheer Club will begin in the Fall where all members will learn basketball cheers. Club members will practice the cheers in order to be prepared for the Winter Basketball season where members will cheer for our boys and girls basketball teams! Being a member of the cheer club allows our students another chance to display and gain skills in sportsmanship, team work, confidence, self-esteem and discipline. In all aspects, the ability to be a team player is valuable in every stage of life. Through cheer, members learn to work together to set short-term and long-term goals and build strategies to accomplish them.

Program Description
  • Chess club is a middle school after school activity designed to give kids an opportunity to learn the game of chess, improve their chess skills, and to enjoy competition against their peers.
  • Novice players will be taught the basic rules, the value of pieces, and how to checkmate. More experienced players will learn different opening and defense strategies, various tactics, and will be given the opportunity to challenge themselves by solving chess puzzles.
  • While students will have the chance to measure their progress through wins and losses against their peers, our main focus will be on encouraging good sportsmanship and on having fun.
Educational Value 
  • Chess has a mathematical basis. Mathematics is the tool of science, the language of technology and organized thought.
  • Chess develops cognitive ability: attention, memory, analysis, and logic; all fundamental building blocks for personal growth.
  • It is applicable to everyday life. It helps children develop the skills and social dexterity so important in society.
  • Chess encourages self-assessment, healthy competition and teamwork.
  • Chess encourages study and preparation as the way to achieve pre-set objectives and for the purpose of individual improvement.
Expected Outcomes
  • Chess has many educational benefits, giving students intellectual growth and versatile skills such as focus, discipline, concentration, spatial awareness and strategic thinking.
  • Evidence clearly demonstrates that students who play chess outperform their non-playing contemporaries in literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills. Perhaps of greater importance is the fact that young chess players become more confident, have enhanced self-esteem and are more able to organize their thinking and behavior.
  • Providing students with the opportunity to play chess is a gift they keep for the rest of their lives. Chess is a sociable activity that helps to bring children together and break down barriers, whilst at the same time encouraging a healthy sense of competitiveness.
Program Description
  • Participation in Home Economics Club will inspire, educate and encourage middle school students to a diverse range of home and career skills topics. Students will work in groups practicing kitchen safety and cooking skills by planning and preparing delicious recipes.  Students will also learn the basics of sewing.
Educational Value
  • Teaching the students the value of acquiring practical life skills. Students will work in groups where they will have the opportunity to learn from each other. It will also teach communication skills as well as help them develop interpersonal relationship skills. 

Expected Outcomes
  • Students will learn to sew by hand, read and follow recipes, how to cook. Home Economics Club offers a safe and positive environment for the students. It promotes emotional well-being by allowing the children to work collaboratively with their peers while reducing stress associated with their daily life. Cooking and sewing relax the mind in a fun and interactive way.  Home Economics Club will encourage students to spend more time practicing important life skills and pursuing this passion in and out of the classroom.
Program Description 
The Homework Club is an amazing program that meets afterschool once a week. This club is open to all grade level students of any academic ability.   
Educational Value 
Students are welcome to the Homework Club to complete homework, work on group projects with their peers, study for upcoming assessments and/or practice positive work ethic skills in a comfortable, safe and supervised classroom environment. Peer tutors from the Honors classes are also in attendance to provide assistance to students who may be struggling and need some additional support. The school counselor is also available throughout each session for any student who may want to conference about strategies for success or discuss their academic strengths and weakness.  
Expected Outcome 
This program allows for all participants to have a positive experience with a variety of benefits. For example- our struggling students who attend get a chance to speak with a peer for the help they need, but may not be able to get at home or feel comfortable enough asking during class. Our involved students who attend get a chance to get their homework done before going home to a busy extracurricular schedule. Our quiet students get a chance to socially interact with other students and find common ground among their peers. Our honors peer tutors get a chance to feel the benefits of what community service has to offer. For all students regardless of their level or reason for attendance, the Homework Club provides a supportive and productive experience while tapping into many of their middle school academic and social emotional needs.  
Chorus 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade

 Program Description

The Roselle Park Middle School Choir is built with all three grades and is made up of students who love the arts and have an appreciation for the vocal studies therein.


Educational Value

The purpose of this organization is to teach students musical skills and to help students develop character traits that will enable them to succeed beyond the classroom. These include but are not limited to working in groups, leading a group of people, consistency, diligence, and ability to learn new things through perseverance. Students also learn vocal techniques and performance skills that will prepare them to study choral music at the High School level. This may include but is not limited to up to 3-part harmony, singing in different languages, and singing a cappella. Students may also get the change to audition or be selected for a special Choir that works with Kean University, as well as several other community schools and organizations, to put on a special concert (if it is held).


Expected Outcomes

Allows students to appreciate what is necessary for musicians all over and for musicians as they grow into better musicians. During the course of the year (If it is held), students will also be able to take part in the American Young Voices Concert held at the Prudential Center. This concert has students from all over the states of New Jersey and New York. This concert allows the students to see the diversity of our state and the towns around us as well as gives them the chance to work with professional musicians who will be playing their music as the students sing. It is a wonderful opportunity for any student of any age.



Band and Jazz Band 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade

Program Description

The Roselle Park Middle School Bands are broken into five categories. The first two are separated by experience. These are the New Member and Returning Member Bands. In both ensembles, students learn the basics of music theory and the application of such to the performance aspect of music.


Educational Value

They will learn music notation, and how to perform what is written on the page. As the students’ progress over the years and into each ensemble, they will be challenged with new and more difficult theoretical practices. The ensemble is for students who are more involved and wish to learn more complicated forms of music. With the Jazz ensemble, the students branch out in their understanding of music and their understanding of the genre. Students must learn new techniques and new theory that is more complicated than what they would learn in the regular ensembles.


Expected Outcomes

All ensembles will teach students the importance of teamwork, individual practices, leadership (section leaders), and many other real-world traits needed to grow in society. Students are shaped as musicians to prepare them for the High School level.



Handbells 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade

Program Description

Handbells is a unique ensemble at the Roselle Park Middle School. This ensemble is more difficult than any other ensemble at the Middle School and possibly the entire district.


Educational Value

This ensemble will challenge the students to work together while also emphasizing the importance of each individual in the group.


Expected Outcomes

Students will be able to use more theoretical technique and more theoretical application in this ensemble. Students will learn perseverance, determination, and the best group work skills.

Program Description
In Newspaper Club students generate ideas for stories, come up with interview questions, and write about events concerning their school, the community, and the world around them. It gives students the ability and opportunity to express themselves through writing, explore new topics and ideas, and celebrate their work through publication.   
Educational Value
The educational value of the club is that students learn more about the field of communications and journalism. They learn the different types of articles from news, to features, to op/ed., and how to write them. They get to practice their writing skills, as well as their editing and revision skills through the club. In short, it is a way for them to extend upon their writing skills while interacting with their peers and other staff, while also exploring topics of current events.  
Expected Outcome
The expected outcome of the club is the publication of their work through the paper, which is now done digitally through a website format. Students get the opportunity to have their output celebrated and shared by other staff members and students through the publication of the paper. 
Program Description
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship.   Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.   
Educational Value
NJHS membership is an outstanding opportunity to develop the habits and standards so important to success in high school, college, and a career. NJHS members become future ready and have exclusive access to tools and resources such as college admission and financial planning, scholarship opportunities and leadership development.  Students are expected to uphold all the standards of the NJHS throughout their educational years.  
Expected Outcome
The NJHS will help develop students not only academically but also to become better citizens through service, leadership, character and citizenship.  NJHS chapters care not only about student achievement but also community engagement.  Membership and involvement create a well-rounded student by providing them with skills and knowledge for future success in all aspects of life. 
Program Description
  • Panther Paws is a program where we strive to build on the Pillars of Character: Respect, Cooperation, Leadership, Kindness and Citizenship. All students are welcomed to join who have a passion for helping, inspiring, encouraging and all-around just being a good role model to our Middle School and community. 
  • The Panther Paws club fosters social-emotional well-being among our members but also school wide.  The club gives students an opportunity to socialize and interact after school hours in a non-academic setting.  Club members brainstorm ideas together and execute them in groups of their peers.  Members from our club who volunteer to run our lunch time fundraising sales interact with peers while trying to raise money.  The acts of kindness and inspiration our club does around the school promote positive thinking, encouragement, acceptance, and inclusion.  These projects not only encourage and inspire those who see them, but also the club members who create them. 
  • Panther Paws is a club specifically designed for students who want a place to “fit in”.  Maybe they don’t have the academic grades to qualify for National Junior Honor Society, or the writing skills to be in the newspaper club.  They may not have the skills for volleyball club or art club, but they still want to be a part of something! Panther Paws is the perfect place for this!
Educational Value
  • The educational value is teaching our youth the importance of giving to those in need and supporting their classmates. We are teaching them that fundraising for those who can benefit from our help is an act of kindness.
  • These fundraisers are so special to our members. All the donation ideas come from them!!  Whether it be our local food pantry or The Children’s Specialized Hospital. Their dedication to give, open their hearts and care for people they don’t even know speaks volumes to their character. The time they spend with each other after school crafting, creating and collaborating has taught them the value of teamwork all while new friendships emerge. The time they give up their lunches to make hot chocolate for their peers is a true testament to their dedication to our clubs goal. Students can take the focus and work ethic developed in the club and translate that to their academic work.  Feeling like you have a purpose or like you are part of something bigger can give a student so much confidence, both socially and academically!

Expected Outcomes
  • The expected outcome is to have raised enough money by fundraising in school so we can donate to our local church for the holiday season so that our less fortunate locals can have a meal. Also, to donate to The Children’s Specialized Hospital in the Spring time so that our friends who need a smile can enjoy an Easter Basket. We plan on coming up with more charitable donations throughout the year. Additionally, you can expect to see displays in our hallways. Our mission is to inspire and encourage all students at the middle school. These displays are themed around The Pillars of Character in hopes to inspire anyone who walks passed.
Program Description
  • The RPMS Percussion Ensemble was started in 2015. Since then, our ensemble has grown to nearly 30 members for the 2019-20 school year. The ensemble is open to all members of the band, regardless of their instrument and is not an auditioned ensemble. This allows any band member to experience a different instrument from their own.
Educational Value
  • With each piece of music, the members switch between various percussion instruments like mallet percussion (xylophone, bells, marimba etc.) to bongos, drums, timpani, hand percussion instruments (tambourines, maracas etc.) to allow a greater and more varied experience. Most of our music is arranged by us, so parts can be written and tailored to fit the individual player as needed, giving all members the opportunity to perform on each piece of music. Our rehearsals are weekly from 3:30- 4:10, immediately following our concert band rehearsal. Along with our weekly rehearsal, we do a help and practice session weekly from 2:50-3:30. This allows new percussion ensemble members a chance to get individual help or just practice time on instruments they can’t practice at home, like a xylophone or marimba. These Friday sessions are often attended by a few of our high school percussion ensemble members, they attend to assist the middle school students with their music. This mentoring from the high school PE members allows more time with individual help as instructors, giving middle school students a chance to meet and learn from their high school counter parts, easing the transition to RPHS music program.
Expected Outcomes
  • The RPMS Percussion Ensemble performs at the MS winter and spring concerts. In the past, the ensemble has also performed at the annual Assumption Church carnival here in RP, sharing the performance time with the RP High School Percussion Ensemble"
Program Description
Science Club is an afterschool program where we focus on aspects of science that interest the students but do not always align with the curriculum.  This year we will focus on the basics of coding.   
Educational Value
Coding is an increasingly valuable skill to keep up with and create the future digital world. Once you learn the "language" you can use your creativity to create new content. 
Expected Outcome
Students will understand the basics of coding. They will create apps, animation, and/or games. 

Program Description

STEM Club is a club for students to show their creativity while expanding their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Educational Value

STEM club will develop skills needed for academic areas as well as foster learning skills for future careers.

Expected Outcomes

Improved academic performance, better problem solving skills, and increased understanding of STEM career fields.

Program Description
Student Council is a student-based organization designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students. Students participating in all levels of the Student Council (Council of Ten and Homeroom Representatives) maintain a high standard of personal conduct. Student Council members will demonstrate leadership qualities by serving as good examples of behavior through their words and actions. The Student Council organization provides powerful leadership and learning opportunities for students as these students serve as the voice for the entire student body and actively work with teachers and advisors to promote a better learning environment.    
Educational Value
Students involved in Student Council will improve their reading and writing skills, learn public speaking skills, and learn to make a positive impact in school and in their community. They are able to practice real-life skills of problem solving and working in collaboration in a team environment to complete school-wide projects and events. Members are asked to speak publicly in front of the entire student body as well as to their individual classrooms and grade levels. Students will learn to speak openly with other members of the Students Council in an effort to share ideas, problems, and feedback. The Student Council organization also promotes a sense of personal responsibility among officers and homeroom representatives. Members take on leadership roles and are required to uphold the values of the entire student body. Students will also develop their confidence and will receive recognition from their peers, teachers, and advisors for their skills and abilities. Serving on Student Council and running for election are opportunities for students to learn the principles of networking. When campaigning and trying to reach the student body for votes, students learn the value of interacting with other people and the skills necessary for being successful.
Expected Outcomes
Student Council provides a forum in which students can address those school-related issues, which affect their lives. Members will maintain open communication between students and staff members. All members are expected to consistently participate in organized activities, which are meant to strengthen the learning environment of the school. Their purpose includes developing positive attitudes and practicing good citizenship. Advisors will assist members in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship. Student Council members will also plan special events, fundraisers, and/ or projects for the community. Their leadership qualities will include serving as good examples of ethical values through their words and actions.
Program Description
Students will be able to explore and design using 3D software such as Sketch Up and Tinkercad.  
Educational Value
Students will learn how to create and navigate 3D software, and to transform their ideas into 3D images.  They will be given a variety of tasks in which they will need to design their ideas using 3D software.  Students using Tinkercad will also be able to 3D print.
Expected Outcome
Students will be able to learn, navigate, create and problem solve using 3D software to create their desired designs and broadening their knowledge in technology.
Program Description
Educational Value
Expected Outcome
Program Description
Educational Value
Expected Outcome
Program Description
Educational Value
Expected Outcome
Program Description
Educational Value
Expected Outcome
Program Description
Educational Value
Expected Outcome